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FAQ for Radiology & Nuclear Medicine CE

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Course Questions

Which courses are accepted for renewal of the ARRT® certification and registration?

Our category 'A' or 'A+' CE Courses are accepted for renewal of the ARRT® certification and registration. ARRT® does not have a mandatory requirement regarding the types of CE topics for any certification or registration except R.R.A.® & Sonography. ARRT® (X-Ray, CT, Mammo, MRI, NMT, R.T.®, Radiation Therapy, BD, IR) certificants & registrants can select any course on any topic from Radiology CE catalog. 

​Can I repeat a CE course for ARRT® certification and registration?
Yes, but there are few rules:
Repeating a CE course in a different biennium period:
Yes, you can repeat a CE course in a different biennium period, except during CE probation. However, if you used the course to meet CE probation requirements of the previous biennium, you cannot repeat it.

Repeating a CE course in the same biennium period:
No, you cannot receive credit for repeating a CE course within the same biennium period.

Please Note: As the education provider, we are not responsible for monitoring course repetition within the same biennium or during CE probation. To review your CE history, click here.

Which courses are accepted for the NMTCB® credential renewal?

Courses approved by an RCEEM like ASRT®, AHRA® etc. meet the NMTCB's criteria of awarding continuing education credits for CNMT & NMTCB(CT) credentials. You need 24 CE to maintain CNMT & NMTCB(CT) certification. For NMTCB(CT), 12 CE out of total 24CE should be specific to CT. See Nuclear Medicine CE Catalog.

What are the state rules for Radiology CE?

Most states accept courses that are accepted for the ARRT®, but some states, like AR, CA, FL, MA, OH, OR, TX, WV etc, have specific requirements. Please review your state's continuing education requirements before purchasing a CE course.

State list:-

  1. Arkansas

  2. California

  3. Florida (we report CE credits to FLDOH) 

  4. Massachusetts

  5. Ohio (ODH accepts valid NMTCB® or ARRT® certification and registration as proof of meeting Ohio's continuing education requirements. You may submit a valid NMTCB® or ARRT® certification and registration card, specific to the license category, as proof of meeting Ohio's CE requirements. If you do not have a valid NMTCB® or ARRT® certification and registration (i.e., CE probation, Non certified, Retired status etc.) then Ohio has special requirements. Our CE courses do not meet Ohio's special requirements.). 

  6. Oregon

  7. Texas

  8. West Virginia

  9. Other states

Go to Radiology CE catalog and select your state. If you need further information about your state CE requirements, please contact your state.

Testing Questions

CE activity instructions:-

In order to receive CE credit, you must first complete the CE activity content. When completed, go to the last page of the activity to access the post-test.

Post-test instructions:-

Submit the completed answers to determine if you have passed the post-test. You must obtain a score of 75% to receive the CE credit. You will have no more than 3 attempts to successfully complete the post-test.

What if I failed all 3 test attempts?

If you fail all three attempts, we will issue full refund of your post-test price. If you purchased an E-Book & Post-Test combo then we will issue refund of post test portion of combo. Our post-test refund policy is 31 days. See our Guarantee Policy for refund details.


How online testing works?

Take a free demo course & discover how purchase, online testing, grading & certificate works. Your work is saved as you answer each online question. You can log off and resume testing at your convenience. Suggestion: Print the test questions, Answer all questions on paper & then start online testing.

How long does it take to get my certificate?

As soon as you pass, Certificate is automatically emailed. Check your email spam/junk folder.

Does Take CE LLC keeps record on my CE credits?

Yes. We maintain records for our customers for 5 years. If you need a copy of your certificate to replace a lost one, please visit my certificates.

Registry Questions

Does report my CE credits to ARRT® or State?

No. It is Technologist's responsibility to report their CE credits to ARRT® directly.

If you have Florida state license then please provide it on our online test information section. We will report your CE credits to Florida Department of Health. You can instantly receive CE completion certificate: click here

How to report Radiology CE credits for FL state license renewal?

After you receive your FL renewal notice, you can self report CE completion certificate to FLDOH:-

  1. Upload CE certificate at MQA Online Services renewal  

  2. Please mail your renewal documents to Licensure Services at:
    Address: Department of Health
    Licensure Support Services
    4052 Bald Cypress Way
    Bin C-10
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-3260
    Fax number: 850-245-4791

  3. If you have received your renewal notice and your CE information is not current, you may fax CE at (850) 245-4791.

How to report x-ray tech CE credits for CA state license renewal?

Please report CE credits to CDPH using information found in CE completion certificate:-

  Title: course title


  Provider contact information: 

  Date: course completion date

  Group: ARRT®

  Hours: number of CE Credits

How to report CE credits for ARRT® certification and registration renewal?

Login to ARRT® website & report CE in the renewal section using information found in CE completion certificate. You need to provide approving RCEEM name, Number of CE Credits, Activity approval reference numbers & other details found in CE completion certificate. 

What happens if you let your ARRT® certification and registration expire?

As per Section 9 of ARRT® CE requirements, Your certification and registration will be transferred to a "CE Probation" status. Length of CE probation period is about 6 months. During the CE probation period, You may be allowed to complete the credits that they were lacking during the biennium with no additional penalty credits. Please contact ARRT® for details.

How many CE Credits are needed for the ARRT® certification and registration?

ARRT® certified & registered radiology technologist usually need 24 category A or A+ CE credits every two years (or 50 credits if you're an R.R.A.® certificant and registrant). If you're ARRT® certified & registered in Sonography, 16 of the 24 credits must be directly related to your discipline. For details, please click here.


How do I get CE credits for the ARRT® certification and registration?

You can earn CE credits for the ARRT® certification and registration by completing category A or A+ educational activity evaluated by a Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism RCEEM or RCEEM+ or completing approved academic courses during the biennium period. R.T.® certificants & registrants should select CE topics that are related to their area of practice and that will maintain their competence and help them keep current with industry best practices. R.R.A.® and R.T.(S)(ARRT) ® certificants and registrants have mandatory requirements regarding the types of CE topics they must select. For details, please click here.

What is CE biennium? Can I change my CE biennium year?

ARRT® certified and registered technologist need to complete and report all required CE activities every two years. This two-year period is called biennium. Many R.T.® certificants and registrants wish to align their ARRT® CE biennia with the timing of state licensing CE reporting. You can make a request to change the year of your CE biennium.

Course Questions

What features course offers?

We offer many great features like Generous refund policy, Money back guarantee, Risk-free try&buy offer, Free eBooks, More credits per course etc. 

Where can I find course details like number of credits, credit type, approvals etc.?

All our courses are category A or A+ credits. Select a CE Catalog below & click on product you are interested in. You will find all the details on product page.

CE Catalog List:

  1. All Radiology CE Credits

  2. CT CE Credits

  3. MRI CE Credits

  4. Mammography CE Credits

  5. Nuclear Medicine CE Credits

  6. Radiation Therapy CE Credits

  7. Ultrasound CE Credits

  8. X-Ray CE Credits

  9. CQR CE

  10. Structured Edu CE

*Which requirements are satisfied by courses?

Our website provides registry & state CE requirement information. Many course info pages provide an acceptance list for registry & state. These information is based on our evaluation of requirements and/or guidance we received from the approving organization. However, It is your responsibility to ensure that CE course topics satisfy any specific requirements that may exist for your registry and individual state/s in which you practice. If you do not have a valid certification and registration card (i.e., CE probation, Non certified, Retired status etc.) or need further information, you should contact your registry and/or state for specific requirements if any.

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